Download Xds Xtra Datensysteme Driver

Version: Jan 31, 2020 Release_Notes

Download Xds Xtra Datensysteme Driver Download

X-ray Detector Software for processingsingle-crystal monochromatic diffraction data recorded by the rotationmethod. For a description of the package, including references,visit xds_doc. Additional information can be found in XDSwiki.For processing monochromatic diffraction data (including stills) from randomly oriented single-crystals see separate packagenxds.

XDS can process data images from CCD-, imaging-plate-, multiwire-, andpixel-detectors in a variety of formats as well as from multi-segmentdetectors assembled from several rectangular components in arbitraryarrangement (see Supported detectors). Detector specificInput file templates greatly simplify the use of XDS; they are provided as part of the documentation.


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XDS runs under Unix or Linux on a single server or automatically splitsits task for concurrent execution by several remote hosts in a networked(NFS) environment where each host may comprise a shared memorymultiprocessor system.

XDS is free of charge for non-commercial applications and available herefor downloading. Note, that the executables of the package will expire on Mar 31, 2021.The availability of new versions or updates of the package is indicated bydate changes in the last line of this url (page last updated:). This canbe monitored by using 'urlwatch'.

For industrial usage of XDS a license is required(e-mail enquiry :

XDS-Viewer is an open source program for looking at rotation data images andcontrol images generated during data processing by XDS (download XDS-Viewer).

XDSGUI is a graphical interface for using XDS that is documented at, and is linked to

© 2005-2020, MPI for Medical Research, Heidelberg ImprintDownload xds xtra datensysteme driver downloadDownload Xds Xtra Datensysteme Driver

Download Xds Xtra Datensysteme Drivers
page last updated: Apr 17, 2020